a new monolith in Los Padres National Forest, CA

Mahmoud Drira
2 min readDec 9, 2020

the curious monolith has a new location now.. just days after being discovered in southern California by a group of hikers . everybody was rushing up to the mountain to take pictures with the mysterious monolith that it’s been moving around the world . since it’s discovery in Utah and after it was confiscated by the authorities . days later it appeared in Romania then on an English island .

Taking the world on a powerful storm. this mysterious object has been found in southern California on the top of hiking trail in Atascadero. Just after it’s removal at night .. a few days later it appears again in Los Padres National Forest where a group of people discovered it and immediately ran to it filming it with a drone and moving around it .

San Luis Obispo artists Wade McKenzie , Jared Riddle, Travis Kenney and Randall Kenney said they decided to create a monolith after the first two ones were discovered in Utah and Romania

The artists took an inspiration in doing it and added that they were so glad that their creation made a lot of people happy . adding ‘ people weren’t discussing any daily topics no Covid no politics just walking around the mountain and talk about our monolith .

Although the artists shared their video to the world about it’s creation along with the Mayor help . The monolith of Utah and Romania are still a mystery of who made them or what brought them there in the first place .

